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PHLA needs..... YOU
Please take a look at the following standing committees that are available to be a part of. Each committee should have at least 3 association members, with some accepting as many are available to help out. Can you can give 5 minutes? 5 hours? PHLA needs you! Please keep in mind that we are a 100% volunteer association. Many hands make light work!
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee shall consist of three (3) members, of this Association. A minimum of one member of the Membership Committee shall be a Board Member. The members of the Membership Committee, when properly designated, shall hold office until their successors are appointed.
The business of said committee shall be to receive applications for new members and make recommendations thereon to the Board of Directors, in accordance with these By-Laws.
Beach Committee
The duties of this Committee shall be to recommend to the Board of Directors the needs of the Beach, Beach Attendants, and general information and reports as directed by the Board of Directors. This committee should also report infractions of the rules and regulations to the Board of Directors.
Entertainment/Picnic Committee
The duties of this Committee shall be to have charge of all social affairs conducted by the Association, including the Annual Association Picnic. This Committee should report details on needs, updates on progress, and post picnic follow-up as needed to be shared with the Board of Directors.
Auditing Committee
The functions of the Auditing Committee shall be to audit and examine the accounts of the Treasurer, investigate outstanding obligations, accounts, and debts of the Association and report thereon at the Annual Meeting of the Members and at such further times as the President shall direct.
Beach Maintenance & Grounds Committee
The duties of this Committee shall be to maintain order in and about the beaches and parks of the Association; to take such action as the Board of Directors may direct with respect to abatement of nuisances; to suppress weeds; and engage labor for said purposes.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall be composed of three (3) members selected by the President, whose duty it shall be to nominate directors to be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Members.

If you would like to join one of these committees, please fill out the interest form and the Chair of that Committee will be in touch with you!